The biggest draw in gaming
Offer life-changing prizes. £7,500,000 average jackpot
In today's market, lottery is the last great gaming product up for grabs. It is arguably the most popular form of gambling in the world and for a small stake, players can potentially win tens and in some cases hundreds of millions of pounds. Life-changing money.
Join the Lotto Network and offer your customers huge lottery jackpots, setting you aside from your competition and making a real difference to your bottom line! From twice-weekly lotto draws to Instant Lotto & Lucky Dip games, we provide an ever-expanding portfolio of B2B products with mega-million jackpots. Becoming a Lotto Network partner will extend your existing player lifetime, increase player activity, help you reactivate dormant accounts and acquire new players.
The Key Benefits of Partnering with Lotto Network
Largest Jackpots
Offer the largest gaming jackpots in the world to your customers – the largest jackpot paid out by us was a staggering €31.7 million in 2009
No Need For Seeding
Simply tap into our existing lotto liquidity with ZERO risk as all prizes are funded by Lotto Network
Incremental Revenue
Customers do not class lotto as 'gambling', thus their budget for lotto and for gaming (e.g. bingo) are often separate
Increase Player Lifetime
Lotto players are loyal and many play the same numbers every week. Nobody wants to miss the draw in which their numbers come up!
Reactivate Players
Differentiation is key. Adding lotto is something new to communicate to your existing customers, especially during rollovers
Increase Player Activity
Winning players tend to play more and on Lotto Network the average odds of winning a prize are less than 1 in 8
Why add our branded lotto products to your gaming platform?
Life Changing Jackpots
The Dream
All lottery players dream of winning a big jackpot and how they would spend such a huge amount of money. Every lotto purchase is a chance to dream and Lotto Network enables you to harness these positive feelings and benefit from them on your gaming platform.
Numerous entry points into the Classic Lotto product enable your players to buy lotto lines from anywhere on your platform. Using our mini-lotto interface players can access lotto from within your existing client (e.g. bingo). Alternatively, players can access lotto games through a comprehensively designed Lotto Lounge, tailored to your brand.